Monday, November 26, 2007

Six Risks that Venture Capitalists Take

Mark Davis of DFJ Gotham Ventures posted this nice summary list of six types of risk that venture capitalists typically examine when evaluating a potential investment.

  1. Management Risk

  2. Product Risk

  3. Revenue Model Risk

  4. Market Risk

  5. Competitive Risk

  6. Partnership Risk

Read the full article here

Thursday, November 15, 2007

VMGOSPA - nested organizational objectives


I mentioned AlphaBlox in my last post and that made me think of something I learned from Michael Skok (CEO and Founder of AlphaBlox, now Partner at North Bridge Venture Partners).

Michael had a great framework for explaining how each person's daily activities fit into the larger company objectives. He called it "VMGOSPA", an acronym for the following framework:

Avinash Kaushik's Five Levels of "Web Analytics 2.0"

I had the pleasure of hearing Avinash Kaushik, Google's analytics evangelist, speak when he came to our CS377W class at Stanford this quarter (the "Stanford Facebook class").  He's an amazing speaker, really breathing life and purpose into the too-often dry topic of web analytics.

He's promoting a new way of looking at web analytics, what he calls "Web Analytics 2.0".  Avinash'es central message is that analytics cannot stand alone as a decision driver in organizations; rather analytics need to be considered in the context of additional data (from customers, competitors, and other internal sources) in order to drive rational decisions.

Avinash has a brilliant decision framework, consisting of the five decision inputs that should be considered in order to gain insight into customer behavior and drive optimal decisions.   He calls this "The Five Pillars" and here's the cliff's notes summary: